Shooting Stars
The longest running event of its kind, the annual photo competition is a rousing celebration of sub-sea shooting

The annual photo contest needs little introduction. It’s the longest running online event of its kind and if you’re looking to build a ‘rep’ in the cadre of serious underwater shooters then this is a good place to shine. And over the years there’s been a wealth of talent showcased in this prestigious assembly of creative expression and technical acumen. This year more than 200 moderators focused on the task of selecting finalists in 16 categories. A total of 11,135 images from 130 countries were submitted in the 2011-12 shoot, slightly down from the previous year, but not in quality. “It was a bumper year that saw an increase in standards on all levels,” editor Benny Sutton told DIVER. First round shortlisted 1,506 entries, of which 369 went on to finals that saw 102 images by 79 photographers placed, and 48 awarded medals. Newbies ruled the day with 80 per cent of medals going to first timers. There’s a message in that, so get cracking…er, shooting! This male weedy seadragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) with a precious cargo of incubating eggs was photographed at Flinders Pier, Victoria, by Australian Richard Wylie, who took the bronze medal in the wide-angle marine life category.
Some other entries from the annual photo contest:

Enter next year’s competition
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