Diving Icon Hans Hass 1919-2013
For some it was Jacques Cousteau, for others, DIVER Publisher Phil Nuytten among them, it was Hans Hass who triggered interest in the ocean world and SCUBA diving. The Austrian diving legend and pioneer died June 16 at age 94. A service was held June 22nd at the Hietzing Cemetery in Vienna.
Educated in zoology, Hass made a name for himself shooting documentary films of sharks and the oceans, which he championed through his lifetime. Dubbed ‘Lord of the Sharks’ Hass made literally dozens of films, presented as shorts before main feature presentations in cinemas and later as TV specials, pioneering in the field of underwater cinematography.
His first film in 1940 was Stalking Under Water, a 16-minute movie that was followed in 1947 by Men Among Sharks, almost an hour and a half in length. Hass was also a prolific author with 32 books published during his life. Titles included Among the Corals and the Sharks and The Shark – The Legend of a Murderer.
Hass developed the first underwater camera, his own fins and his own early SCUBA gear, tools he needed to perform effectively underwater and to communicate the importance of ocean awareness and understanding.
DIVER Publisher Phil Nuytten will dive into the life and times of Hans Hass presenting excerpts from an unpublished interview with the Austrian diving legend recorded two years ago.
Meantime, visit Wikipedia for more about Hass and his contributions to the sport and ocean awareness.

5 Responses to “Diving Icon Hans Hass 1919-2013”
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Dr. Hans Hass is survived by wife Lotte and daughter Meta. Hans Hass Jr., whose mother was Hannelore Schroth, the first wife of Dr. Hass, died in 2009.
Editor at Diver Magazine
Thank you, we have amended the article.
Hans & Lotte Hass
Traf Hans Hass und Lotte Hass in Salzburg bei einer Film Vorfuehrung . War begeistert und bestellte die ersten Schwimmflossen von Semperit Wien die mit der hand aus zwei gummiplatten mit einer stahlfedereinlage gemacht wurden . Als ich diese Schwimmflossen das erste mal benuetzte brachen beide auseinander . Semperit machte kurz darauf die Hans Hass Schwimmflossen fuer die ich einen Dollar das Paar bezalte . Hans Hass schreibte auch etliche Buecher ueber den Unterwasser Sport ( unter Korallen und Haien etc )
Als ich 1951 auf der St. Catherine Strasse in einem Sportgeschaeft ( JOE RICHMAN SPORTING GOODS ) Schwimmflossen die wie ein Baum Blatt aussahen ( nicht wie Fisch – Flossen ) und die einen Verkaufspreis von $ 15.00 hatten ging ich hinein und offerierte die Hans Hass Flossen von eine Zeichnung fuer $ 4.00 das Paar an und bekam einen Auftrag fuer 400 Paare
( Allerdings dauerte es 6 Monate bis er dafuer bezahlte ) – Das war mein erstes Geschaeft in Kanada . Nicht schlecht fuer einen jungen 17 jaehrigen . Alles verdanke ich Hans Hass der mir die Idee fuer diesen Sport gab und wo ich erst diese Sachen Importierte und dan selber herstellte .
Met Hans Hass and Lotte Hass in Salzburg during a film screening. Was thrilled by it and ordered the first flippers Semperit Vienna Rubber works made from rubber sheets by hand with two spring steel insert. When I used these Swim fins, the first time both broke apart. Semperit made shortly afterwards the Hans Hass flippers for which paid a dollar a pair. Hans Hass also penned several books about it (among corals and sharks etc)
Walking 1951 on Saint Catherine Street in Montreal and looked into the window of the Sports Equipment Store (JOE RICHMAN SPORTING GOODS) I saw flippers that looked more like a tree leaf (not like a fish tail ) and had a retail price of $ 15.00 a pair –
I went into the Store and offered the Owner Austrian made ” Hans Hass Fins for $ 4.00 the pair from a Drawing I made and got an order for 400 pairs ( However, it took 6 months to he paid) – This was my first business deal in Canada. Not bad for a young 17 year old Boy . I owe everything to Hans Hass, who gave me the idea for selling and later on making Sports Diving Equipment .
HANS HASS 1924 – 2013
Richard Ballard
Hans Hass is not dead, he’s with 2 pac .
scuba diving destinations
I really admire him as a scuba diver he’s great. Love his experienced for how many years.
Sandy from scuba diving destinations