Celebrate Sharks Every Week Worldwide

Every summer, Aggressor Adventures travel agents see a surge in the number of vacationers interested in fulfilling one exhilarating travel wish—to scuba dive with sharks. The buzz is driven by an annual television programming frenzy focused on shark encounters, shark sightings, and shark evolution. Not only do divers want to enter the water with these apex predators, but they also want to scuba within feet of these amazing creatures and observe and photograph them.
Luckily for Aggressor guests, underwater shark encounters are possible world-wide and year-round, not just one week out of the year. With luxury dive excursion yachts in 17 countries, Aggressor Adventures make shark explorers’ dreams come true with schooling hammerhead encounters in remote Cocos Island, Costa Rica, tiger shark experiences in the Bahamas, and more. In fact, Aggressor divers have the chance to encounter over 25 shark species around the world, from massive whale sharks and majestic thresher sharks, to spotted leopard sharks and brown banded bamboo sharks, all from the comfort of Aggressor yachts.
Aggressor Adventures also offers educational shark specialty courses during their week-long vacations at sea, in an effort to grow divers’ fascination with sharks into a life-long interest in protecting these kings of the ocean.
“Sharks are important to our planet, not just one week a year, but every week, every year,” says Wayne Brown, Aggressor Adventures Chairman & CEO. “There are studies that suggest diving with sharks is good for their conservation because it expands awareness about sharks’ role in their ecosystems and opens our eyes to the importance of preserving their habitats. We are all familiar with the ‘superstar’ sharks, like great hammerheads, oceanic whitetips and bull sharks, but Aggressor provides guests opportunities to see and learn more about lesser-known species like the intriguing shortnose spurdog and epaulette sharks. Getting an adrenaline rush while diving with sharks and getting an education at the same time is a pretty good combination!”
Aggressor Adventures offers inclusive, seven-night and ten-night dive vacations with opportunities to see sharks in the Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Egypt, Galapagos, Komodo, Indonesia, Maldives, Mexico, Palau, Philippines, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Red Sea, Roatan, Honduras, Sri Lanka, and Turks & Caicos.
For more visit: www.aggressor.com
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